| In the Midst of Darkness by Aegis Runestone Overworld Design: Although I felt there was a definite lack of things like mountains (the overworld areas accessible in this demo are almost entirely forest based) and other such things, I generally liked the overworld. The pallette work was pretty good, but I felt the odd 'red' that appears on the trunks of the trees (for example) was a bit out of place. It was interesting to be dealing with a diffferent pallette however. **** 4/5 Stars Dungeon Design: Wow! The dungeon design in this quest is fantastic: the layout of each room seems very carefully planned, and the monsters are very well balanced (if a bit unchallenging due to all of the item-giving pots around) I was extremely impressed with the dungeons, and enjoyed the interesting setup (naming the dungeons, 'guardian dungeons,' etc.) ***** 5/5 Stars Gameplay/Special Effects: Although there weren't any special effects, per say, the game play was very well balanced and fun. I never once felt like I didn't know what to do or felt trapped by the system of enemy encounters. Nice job balancing. ***+ 3½ /5 Stars Storyline: The author clearly fleshed out the storyline, although all of it was in a text file and it wasn't developed at all during game play. I enjoyed the plot, however, and seeing as how it drives the 'theme' of the dungeons, I liked that aspect of the quest. *** 3/5 Stars Graphics: As I said above, the pallette change on the overworld map was interesting (though the red was a bit garish), but if one talks about graphics one needs to mention the great dungeon tileset: Amazing! The work on making it feel less like a Zelda 1 dungeon and more like a modern Zelda dungeon was not only convincing, it was seamless. Great job on the graphics! ***** 5/5 Stars Sound/Music: Another area in which this quest excels, the music choices were both interesting and involving: I liked the dungeon themes especially. The only problem I have with the dungeon music is that in the 'Temple of Hate,' the music didn't fit the mood properly, even though it was my favorite song. *** 3/5 Stars Overall: I recommend that anyone download this demo, it's very fun and extremely well executed. I can't wait for the final version of this quest. Great job Aegis! **** 4/5 Stars